Climate Action Planning Tools: Empowering Equitable Transitions for CA Communities

The CoolClimate Network at UC Berkeley is developing a new set of tools for local government climate action. Participants in this workshop session will learn about the project, which aims to develop GHG inventories for every California local government along with planning tools that take into account equity and other non-GHG benefits that are critical for informed policymaking. Through a moderated discussion focusing on local government needs, participants will be invited to provide input to shape the tools that will be publicly available in 2025. The workshop speakers will share their reflections on the state of climate action planning based on their progress to date on this project, and welcome participants to also share their observations and insights about the future of the practice.

  • Twilight Greenaway, Climate Writer/Editor, UC Berkeley School of Journalism
  • Kim Springer, Transportation Systems Coordinator, County of San Mateo
  • Amaury Berteaud, Sustainability Program Manager, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
  • Moderator: Christopher Jones, Director, CoolClimate Network