State & Local Energy & Climate Coordination (SLECC) Presents

REACH Inland Empire

The Regional Energy and Climate Hub (REACH) is an extension of the State and Local Energy and Climate Coordination (SLECC) effort led by CCEC and the Strategic Growth Council. REACH Inland Empire offers a streamlined communication and ideation hub for key state and regional stakeholders to work together more closely to elevate and catalyze place-based energy, land use, and climate progress.

We believe more streamlined and sustained coordination among governments, CBOs, philanthropy, higher education, and other assistance providers can help regions better leverage available capacity and resources to accelerate place-based energy, climate, and land use goals. We know CA communities and agencies want to ensure the right investments are made in the right places and projects, but are stretched thin and are overwhelmed by so many siloed engagement and assistance opportunities, making it especially challenging for those most in need to participate.
The goals of REACH IE are to:
  • Help identify, document, and map a comprehensive and cumulative understanding of the region’s priorities, needs, challenges, and landscape of stakeholders and assistance providers that can be used guide effective State and regional efforts (through discussions and activities).
  • More easily access and inform specific, active State input opportunities on relevant policy, programs and projects, ensuring more inclusive, actionable and participatory decision-making (through State-led breakouts)
  • Exchange knowledge, best practices, and successes about community-driven efforts through Region-led breakouts.
  • Gain awareness of and access to available State and regional funding, incentive, or technical opportunities – or suitable participants for your programs and services (through our assistance lounge and guide).
  • Help develop a bold statewide solution that addresses challenges communities face in accessing sustained funding and assistance for priority projects with less capacity extracted away from action (through discussions and activities)

  • Build or deepen collaborative relationships among State and community-serving organizations that can innovate, replicate, or scale up the region’s promising efforts (through networking and ongoing communication opportunities)

Ongoing Engagement

REACH’s long term mission is to leverage the collective power of state, federal and regional capacity and resources to advance place-based energy, climate, and land use priorities through lasting regional hubs. It is community-driven (local gov, tribal gov, academic institutions, philanthropy, CBO/NGOs) and partners and engages with State and federal agencies.

In the effort to continue engagement in the Inland Empire (San Bernardino, Riverside and Imperial Counties) REACH is intended as an ongoing series. To that end we have created a listserv for REACH participants from the region to stay engage and updated on our upcoming events. If you work or are from the Inland Empire join the listserv by clicking on the link below or sending a request to to say updated!

REACH Resources

CCEC and SGC will continuously work to build on what we are learning from the inland empire to build a landscape analysis and assistance guide for the region. These materials are intended to support community and state leaders as they seek to understand and serve the region and will evolve over time as we continue to engage. Like we said, Regional Energy and Climate Hubs (REACH) are intended to be more than just a convening!

Regional Assistance Guide

The Regional Assistance guide is a constantly updated guide showcasing organizations in the inland empire that provide FREE funding, incentives, or technical assistance to local, tribal, CBOs, NGOs, or schools in the Inland Empire.

Landscape Analysis

CCEC is actively working to compile and analyze what we learned at the first REACH IE convening in December 2025 to build an initial landscape. Check back soon for more information!

Previous Events

9:00 am – Registration, coffee, and networking

9:15 am – Welcome and introduction 

9:30 am – Panel Discussion & Activity: Characterizing energy, land use, and climate landscape in the Inland region

10:25 am – State-led Knowledge Exchange Breakouts: efficiently help inform the following State policies, plans or programs

  • Breakout 1: Aligning State and Regional Goals at the Nexus of Housing and Climate
    • Speakers: Strategic Growth Council; Department of Housing & Community Development; Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency
  • Breakout 2: State Climate Assessment and Resilience Resources
    • Speakers: Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation; OEHHA; Strategic Growth Council
  • Breakout 3: Climate Action Planning at the State and Local Level
    • Speakers: Air Resources Board; Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation
  • Breakout 4: Regional Challenges to Renewable Energy Deployment
    • Speakers: GO-Biz; Public Utilities Commission, Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation

12:00 pm – Region-led Knowledge Exchange Breakouts: regional stakeholders share solutions on key topics 

  • Breakout 1: Clean Transportation
    • Speakers: Center for Sustainable Energy; GRID Alternatives; City of Palm Springs
  • Breakout 2: The Real Drivers of the Energy Affordability Crisis
    • Speakers: WRCOG; The Energy Coalition; City of Colton Electric Utility; San Diego Community Power (Invited)
  • Breakout 3: Decarbonizing Homes and Buildings
    • Speakers: City of Palm Springs; SoCalREN; SCAQMD
  • Breakout 4: Community and Energy Resilience
    • Speakers: Morongo Band of Mission Indians; WRCOG; Desert Healthcare

12:45 pm – Lunch (provided)

1:45 pm – Key Discussion: Streamlining and Improving Engagement, Technical Assistance and Funding to Communities

 3:45 pm – Assistance Lounge Introduction

4:00 pm Assistance Lounge and Networking Reception

5:00 pm – Close

Speakers and topics to be added soon.

Thank you to the following organizations as well as other state agencies for their support on this event:

Special thanks to our other planning partners, including from the Coachella Valley Association of Governments and the Southern California Association of Governments.

REACH is presented by:

Are you interested in partnering with us on this or future events?
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