Santa Barbara County’s Smart Build Santa Barbara (SB2) Program

To support energy efficiency in community projects, the County of Santa Barbara runs the innovative Smart Build Santa Barbara (SB2) program (formerly known as the IBRP), to provide complimentary energy efficiency expertise from community leaders during the permitting process. Information on the SB2 Program from the County’s website is shared below.

The Smart Build Santa Barbara (SB2) Program, formerly known as the Innovative Building Review Program, is a free, voluntary program that encourages applicants early in the planning process to make their new or existing developments more energy efficient and sustainable.  SB2 also promotes development that exceeds the California Energy Efficiency State Standards (also known as Title 24). The ultimate goal of SB2 is to encourage applicants to build developments that use little energy, which are 100% supplied by renewable sources, without forsaking comfort and reasonable building costs.