County of Marin
An Organization offering free technical assistance to local government professionals, who has the willingness, capacity, and expertise to be contacted by local government energy and climate peers/professionals to share knowledge in the following types of programs, projects, or policies: Marin Energy Management Team’s staff assist local governments and school districts in Marin County with energy management. The team acts as an extension of public agency staff, helping to reduce and manage energy use, improve the comfort and productivity of staff, and save scarce dollars. Technical assistance can include energy use data analysis, project identification, connection to available incentives, support writing RFPs, staff reports, and other tasks necessary to design and implement an energy efficiency project.. The elegibility restrictions are the following: Public Agencies, businesses of all sizes, and residential properties located in Marin County that are currently Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) or Marin Clean Energy customers can participate in the program..