Going Beyond 2022 Building Standards to Continue Accelerated Climate Action

With the effective date for the new 2022 statewide Building Energy Efficiency Standards only a few months away, many active reach codes will be revisited in the context of the new requirements. What will remain a “reach” over state minimums? What actions can local jurisdictions take to continue accelerating progress on their own climate action plans? How can existing buildings be a bigger part of the progress?
This session tackles the challenge, focusing on how local experience both informs development of the state code, and provides a platform that jurisdictions may use to leapfrog beyond these minimums. First, the presenters will share the results of a survey conducted by Building Decarbonization Coalition, BayREN and Acterra that connected with local government staff from jurisdictions with a building electrification ordinance. This will offer insights on the effects that reach codes are having on jurisdictions with permitted residential and commercial projects and the number of those projects that were designed all-electric. Then, panelists and attendees will share insights and experiences from the 2019 cycle, including lessons learned and opportunities to continue advancing climate-related policies by local leadership in the next code cycle. Together, the session participants will explore ordinance options, from the general policy structure, building types, and targeted activities and measures.


  • Danuta Drozdowicz (she), California Energy Commission, Energy Specialist Efficiency Division
  • Crystal Najera, City of Encinitas, Sustainability Manager
  • Demian Hardman-Saldana, Contra Costa County, Department of Conservation and Development, Senior Planner
  • Misti Bruceri (She/Her/Hers), (Moderator) Statewide Reach Codes Program, Coordinator and Technical Lead
  • Lawrence Garber, Building Decarbonization Coalition, Program Associate
  • Cora Panturad, Monterey County, Sustainable Infrastructure Analyst