Not Your Grandma’s Regulatory Update

Many public agencies have climate action plans (CAP) with ambitious climate and energy goals, targets and actions. These laudable strategies will only be realized if local government action is adequately funded, supporting local capacity to implement energy projects and programs. Some CAP actions are best pursued as part of Californiaʼs energy policy goals, and as a result necessitate effective collaboration with investor owned utilities (IOUs); Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Edison. A CAPʼs feasibility and effectiveness can be significantly impacted by the Stateʼs regulatory agencies, which can have an outsized influence in implementing legislative policies.

In 2020, the CPUC will engage on issues that are core to local governmentsʼ ability to deliver on their climate action and adaptation plans, including:

  • Wildfire mitigation
  • Public Safety Power Shutoffs
  • Microgrids
  • Distributed Energy Resource Planning
  • Transportation Electrification
  • Energy Efficiency and Electrification
  • Utility Customer Rates

The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition (LGSEC) provides a robust expert voice for its 40 member organizations on crucial energy policy matters. No other group that represents local governments has a regular presence at the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission and the California Air Resources Board.

This webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory process and current issues that directly impact local governments. The speakers will highlight the challenges associated and opportunities local governments have to influence important policies that could have wide ranging impacts on their ability to make good on their climate action plans.