Existing Building Electrification: A Message of Hope and Action

We bring a message of hope. Hope that electrifying existing buildings is possible when led by local leaders and decision makers like you. Panelists will cover the California Scoping plan and roadmap to zero emissions, code, programs focused on electrification, and innovative actions local government and community-based organizations are taking. Panelists will integrate equity and environmental justice, while exploring opportunities and partnerships that provide the path to zero that we are reaching for.  

Attendee participation will be encouraged. We will provide a space for the panelists and participants to discuss current state policy, regionalized resources, lessons learned and tools/mechanisms to advance local building electrification priorities. Participants will leave the session with a better understanding of California’s scoping plan, how code will be integrated, program opportunities, and community level strategies that promote innovation and investment.


  • Lou Jacobson, Willdan, Director
  • Vivan Malkani, Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc., Senior Consultant
  • Jordan Garbayo, County of San Luis Obispo, Energy Program Manager
  • Jaime Alonso, GRID Alternatives Inland Empire, Executive Director
  • Rochelle Butler, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization, Energy Manager
  • Lindsey Tillisch, Pacific Gas & Electric