Call to Action: Let’s Build Climate Equity through Regenerative Economics
A moderated Solutions Room panel exemplifying local leaders in the area of climate equity that promote a regenerative economic framework. Our solutions room will be organized in a sacred circle. We will hear from panelists about their good work projects, ask critical questions of all participants, facilitate break out groups, and close with a call to action. We will focus on understanding basic principles of regenerative (circular) economic frameworks, and how it can be developed across climate and energy industries to improve BIPOC career pathways, improve public health outcomes and build economic stability for climate impacted communities. All panelists and participants will have an opportunity to share their vision for creating climate equity and economic justice during an unprecedented time in climate equity funding.
- Anita Lopez, California Eco Network, Co-Founder
- Yvette Marí Robles, Pathfinder Wellcare, Curandera
- Dominic Allamano, Urban Agroforester
- Teresa Almaguer, PODER, Environmental Justice Organizer
- Sister Maria A. Muhammad, I Am Green, CEO
- Fatima Malik, Del Paso Heights Growers’ Alliance, Lead Organizer