These are recommendations compiled from a range of organizations including Lawyers for Good Government and Environmental Protection Network.
Learning and Guidance Opportunities
Federal Program Information
Some programs affected:
- Clean Ports
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – General
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – Tribes and Territories
- Enhanced Community Air Quality Monitoring
- Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants
- Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative Agreement
- Environmental Justice Government-to-Government Cooperative Agreement
- Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers
- Green Bank 50
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund National Clean Investment Fund
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Clean Communities Investment Accelerator
- Thriving Communities Grantmakers Program
- Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers
California State Agency Recipients
Key state-administered IIJA and IRA programs– including status (Center for Budget Policy Priorities)
California Energy Commission
- Resilient Codes
- National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Fueling Infrastructure
- HOMES: $291M (award executed in mid Jan. 2025, split between Pay for Performance and EBD Direct Install (largely funded by State), anticipated launch in 2026)
- HEERHA Phase 1: $80M (award executed, obligated contract with TECC Clean CA, in progress as of Oct. 2024)
- HEERHA Phase 2: $152M (award executed, under development)
- TREC: $10M (awaiting DOE application approval, anticipated launch in mid-2025)
- Solar for All: $250M (award executed, in development)
- CERRI: “The California Energy Commission (CEC) held an Information Session on the Community Energy Reliability and Resilience Investment (CERRI) Program on January 15, 2025, which indicated that a CERRI Round 2 Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) was anticipated to be released in February 2025. The CEC has paused release of the anticipated CERRI Round 2 GFO until guidance is received from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on program funding availability and requirements. There is no anticipated timeframe identified for this DOE guidance.”
- Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (Planning)
- Transportation projects, including for EV Chargers (*ID programs)
NSF: Emailed grantees that its payment portal was live again (Feb 2, 2025)
MESSAGE to the NSF PI Community,
On Friday, January 31, 2025, a Federal Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) directing Federal grant-making agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), to “…not pause, freeze, impede, block, cancel, or terminate… awards and obligations to provide federal financial assistance to the States, and… not impede the States’ access to such awards and obligations, except on the basis of the applicable authorizing statutes, regulations, and terms.” Although the language of the TRO is directed at State institutions, the Department of Justice has determined that it applies to all NSF award recipients. You can review the TRO here.
In order to comply with the TRO, the NSF Award Cash Management Service (ACM$) system is available for awardees to request payments as of 12:00pm EST, February 2, 2025.
This message is also available on the Executive Order Implementation webpage. Please check back regularly as we add frequently asked questions (FAQs) based on community feedback.