Safe Clean Water Grants Program

This is an exciting opportunity to partner with Los Angeles County Flood Control District to advance the 14 goals of the Safe, Clean Water Program (SCWP)! The Safe, Clean Water Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program (Grants Program) will support public education and community engagement efforts related to stormwater and urban runoff capture within the LA County Flood Control District. We encourage all interested parties to apply for funding, if eligible.

The Grants Program is now live! We encourage you to share information about this program far and wide. Download our social media toolkit here. Please scroll down and fill out the interest form if you’d like to receive updates on the program as it rolls out.

We welcome your feedback at any time on how to make future iterations of the program better. Please submit any feedback to

For general inquiries and grantee-related questions, please email

Assistance Program Type
Climate Planning, Natural and Managed Resources, Outreach and Engagement
Topics and Sectors Targeted