Clean Mobility Options

Providing funding for zero-emission carsharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bikesharing/scooter-sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services in underserved communities.

Clean Mobility Needs Assessment: Applicants can apply for up to $50,000 to conduct a Community Transportation Needs Assessment (Needs Assessment). Needs Assessments are used to help identify and understand unmet mobility needs of communities and develop solutions in collaboration with residents. Inclusion of Needs Assessments in CMO is based on lessons learned through the California Air Resources Board’s SB 350 Barriers Report process and the Mobility Equity Framework developed by the Greenlining Institute.

Clean Mobility Project Voucher: Applicants can apply for up to $1,000,000 to launch and operate a clean mobility project such as zero-emission carsharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bikesharing/scooter-sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services (and up to $600,000 for the expansion of an existing project). Mobility projects are meant to bridge transportation gaps and provide connectivity between services and locations. Wherever possible, they should complement transit services or existing mobility services.