Building Electrification: Dystopian Novel or an Opportunity for Equitable Action

Real and perceived barriers to building electrification, renewable generation, and advanced energy storage paint the outline to the next hit novel chronicling a dystopian future.  Imagine a world not so far off, perhaps only a few generations, where we have electrified communities, resilient to the escalating climate crisis. Who are they and will conflict emerge between those who have reliable access to resources and those who do not?

The goal is simple—to discuss how to keep this potential eventuality squarely in the fiction section of our collective future. To achieve our goal, panelists will discuss how policy, energy code and programs intersect with building electrification and equitable access to resources. Focus will be placed on discussing barriers, community messaging and recommended actions to accelerate equitable change.


  • Rochelle Butler, SJVCEO, Energy Manager
  • Lou Jacobson (Moderator), Willdan, Senior Program Manager
  • Jessie Knapstein (she/her), Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3), Senior Managing Consultant
  • Jordan Garbayo, Tri-County Regional Energy Network, County of San Luis Obispo, Energy Program Manager
  • Jaime Alonso (He/Him), GRID Alternatives Inland Empire, Executive Director
  • Jose Buendia, Southern California Edison, Sr. Project Manager