Climate Action Planning at the State and Local Level

This session will briefly present two state-level climate planning efforts and seeks local input that will help inform each. First, the Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI), formerly the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR), is beginning its periodic update of the General Plan Guidelines (Guidelines). The Guidelines serve as the “how to” document for cities and counties drafting or updating their general plans. One of LCI’s central goals in this newest update is to incorporate climate throughout, from land use to circulation. Second, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is seeking initial input at the onset of the State’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan under the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program. Both agencies would like to hear from representatives from the Inland Empire about their climate impact concerns, climate mitigation priorities, how climate planning is being or might be integrated into general plans, and any region-specific barriers or opportunities that have arisen in planning or other processes.

  • Sarah Jo Szambelan, CA Air Resources Board
  • Nils Jepson, CA Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation