Co-Designing Climate Policy Solutions with Environmental Justice Communities & Workers

Co-designing equitable climate policies with government officials, environmental justice communities and the labor movement is difficult, yet necessary work. This interactive breakout session will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with co-designing climate policies and programs that center environmental and labor justice. Our panelists include a sitting City Councilmember as well as community advocates and leaders, all of whom are at the forefront of innovative, community-led climate policies throughout the state. Join us to hear their unique perspectives and vital lessons learned in pursuit of equitable climate policies that advance justice. An open discussion format will provide ample opportunity for attendees to engage directly with the expert panelists and learn how to apply those lessons in their own communities.


  • Alex Jasset (Moderator), Physicians for Social Responsibility – LA
  • Katie Valenzuela (she/her), Sacramento City Councilmember, Environmental Justice Policy Consultant
  • Laura Gracia, CBE
  • Kameron Hurt, RePower LA