What are resources local governments can leverage for energy efficiency activities?
- Your utilities: The Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) of the state are Administrators of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programming, which includes financial incentives and technical assistance for energy efficiency activities. The IOUs also work with local governments on special projects under the Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, through local government partnerships (see examples here). Contact your utility to learn more. Publicly-owned and municipal utilities also often provide incentives and support for energy efficiency. (If you don’t know who at the utility level you should be contacting, contact the Coordinator.)
- Regional Energy Networks (RENs) and other EE Program Administrator: So far, the non-IOU Administrators of energy efficiency programming are BayREN, SoCalREN, and the Consumer Choice Aggregator (CCA) Marin Clean Energy (MCE).
- State Agencies: You can see energy-relevant resources and workshops offered by the California Energy Commission (CEC), the CA Air Resources Board (CARB, or ARB), and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) by clicking on these links. A great 101 EE overview of the makeup and resources of these agencies, presented by Jody London, is available here.
- Federal agencies: Check out posts on this website of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)’s State and Local Climate Action newsletter, which shares a digest of funding announcements and webinars provided by different federal agencies.
- Consider developing an energy efficiency fund: A great way to find funding for energy efficiency is to take the savings from a funded, implemented energy efficiency project, and develop a fund for further projects. For resources on this – and example funds led by California local governments, click here.