CCEC Original Articles

This page shares original articles written by the CCEC team to address timely issues effecting local governments as they pursue their energy and climate goals.

January 2022: Recovery and Resilience Takes a Village (Part 1) – Exploring Collaboration in Energy Resilience Projects
Just when we dared to hope we were out of the woods and onto recovery, variants, wildfires, and storms have reminded us that we’ll be facing ongoing “outbreaks” and the “long haul effects” – of both the pandemic and the climate crisis – for years to come.
This paper is the first of a 3-part series exploring timely examples of how local governments can achieve energy and climate goals by forming or supporting collaborations across agencies, sectors, and jurisdictional boundaries. The three parts do so by evaluating three types of local energy and climate initiatives, all of which typically demand cross- agency and cross- sector collaboration.
January 2022: State-Funded Climate and Energy Program Updates
With major movement in federal funding and State budgets last year (and promising priorities in the Governor’s 2022-2023 budget), 2022 is shaping up to be a big year for investments into local and regional climate and energy initiatives! Below are brief updates on just some key programs that local governments are eligible for that are worth your time and attention. If you plan on taking advantage of these opportunities, the time to start engaging and planning is now!
June 2021: Coping with Crises (Part 2) – Transitioning to Tomorrow’s Buildings

This paper looks ahead to the future to try to understand what decisions local governments are grappling with as they consider what to do with both publicly and privately-owned buildings in the context of crisis recovery as well as stronger local, State, and federal commitments to climate change and equity. This report highlights how California’s buildings were affected by the COVID crisis and explores why 2021 is a chance for local governments to implement innovative and sustainable building solutions across sectors to meet current and future needs.

March 2021: Coping with Crises (Part 1) – Maintaining Sustainability Staff Report

Local government decision-makers are grappling with extreme budgetary impacts and difficult spending decisions in the wake of a year of unprecedented crises. This online brief, produced by the Local Government Commission through the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) – the predecessor to the California Climate & Energy Collaborative (CCEC), offers insights into how local governments that maintain sustainability staff can more effectively improve financial conditions and build long-term economic, social, and environmental resilience.