CA Clean Mobility Options Voucher Program

The Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO) is making $1 million in voucher funding available to eligible applicants and communities to conduct Community Transportation Needs Assessments. The vouchers, worth up to $100,000 each, help underserved communities identify and address their transportation challenges; increase residents’ awareness on clean transportation; educate community members about zero-emission mobility options such as car sharing, bike sharing, and other unique transportation modes; and prepare residents to share input on preferred solutions. Additionally, a set-aside of at least $200,000 is available to eligible tribal governments. The application window opens at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time on November 2, 2022, and vouchers will be awarded on a first‑come, first-served basis.

Assistance Program Type
Electric Vehicles and Clean Mobility
Topics and Sectors Targeted