
This bill would require transmission utilities, as defined, on or before January 1, 2026, to jointly prepare a grid-enhancing technologies strategic plan that is designed to, among other things, cost-effectively increase transmission capacity and increase capacity to connect new renewable energy and zero-carbon resources. and every 2 years thereafter, to prepare a study of the feasibility of projects using grid-enhancing technologies to achieve, among other purposes, increased capacity to connect new renewable energy and zero-carbon resources, as provided. The bill would require each transmission utility, on or before January 1, 2026, and at least every 4 years thereafter, to complete an evaluation prepare a study of which of its transmission and distribution lines can be reconductored with advanced conductors in a cost-effective manner to, among other things, increase transmission or distribution capacity and increase capacity to connect new renewable energy and zero-carbon resources. to achieve, among other purposes, increased capacity to connect new renewable energy and zero-carbon resources, as provided. The bill would, upon completion of the plan and the evaluation, those studies, require the transmission utilities to submit the plan and evaluation to the commission and to make the plan and evaluation publicly available. The bill would require the plan and evaluation to include a timeline for implementation, as specified. The bill would require each transmission utility to report the progress in implementing the plan in its integrated resource plan. studies to the Independent System Operator, as specified, and would require the transmission utility to request that the Independent System Operator review the results of the studies as part of the annual transmission planning process for economic, reliability, and policy goals. The bill would, upon submission to the Independent System Operator, require the transmission utilities to make their studies publicly available. The bill would specify that information in the studies that is determined by the Independent System Operator to be necessary to protect the security of the electrical transmission system is to be withheld from public disclosure.