Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments’ Regional Greenhouse Gas Inventory Collaborative
While large metropolitan cities have been working on climate change mitigation projects for years, many of California’s smaller jurisdictions are in much earlier stages of grappling with greenhouse gas emissions. Many of these cities and counties lack the necessary staff and funds to devote to greenhouse gas reduction projects, and as a
result, the vast majority of AMBAG’s 21 jurisdictions had not quantified their baseline GHG emissions as of 2009. Recognizing the need for more support with local climate change efforts, AMBAG designed a program that would yield the following results:
• completion of local government operations inventories in 100% of AMBAG jurisdictions at NO COST to the municipal governments;
• capacity-building for jurisdictional staff;
• community capacity-building in the field of climate change mitigation; and
• standardized greenhouse gas inventories for regional comparability.