Closing Plenary: Accelerating Climate Action and Advancing Justice… with Accountability
To close out the forum, we turn our attention squarely to this year’s theme: Accelerating Climate Action and Advancing Justice. Calls for equitable and inclusive decisions, investments, plans, and projects are reverberating throughout the climate field and in our communities. There is a growing recognition that members of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other marginalized groups are disproportionately impacted by pollution and the impact of climate change, resulting from an enduring history of systemic racism and chronic disinvestment in their communities. As the momentum for equitable climate action continues to build, how do we ensure meaningful and lasting outcomes for communities? This closing plenary seeks to move beyond principles and frameworks to hear real stories from community organizers and advocates – on what’s working, what isn’t, and what it means to advance justice with accountability.
- Roger Lin (he/him) (Moderator), Center for Biological Diversity, Senior Attorney for Energy Justice
- Grace Peralta Beasley (she/her), MCE, Senior Customer Programs Manager
- NJ Mvondo, National Association for Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP), Member
- Christian A. Torres (He/him), Comite Civico del Valle, Special Projects Manager