Electric Vehicle Charger Selection Guide – 2017
This guide was funded under multiple grants from the California Energy Commission (CEC). The goal of this guide is to help site hosts and others learn about, evaluate and compare the features of EV charging equipment (available as of March, 2017) to assist them in selecting a charger for their application.
Section 2 in this guide provides an overview of Electric Vehicle Charger (EVC) equipment, how it works, and considerations when making a purchase. Section 2 includes a table of EVC features available from a variety of commercially available products in the United States. Information on EVC features was collected by sending specification sheets of predetermined criteria to EVC manufacturers with a request for an email response with completed specifications for currently available AC charger models1 . Additional information, including that for DC chargers 1 , was collected using publically available technical specifications. As funding allows, the information in this guide will be updated periodically to include new models and specifications as product offerings evolve.
Click here to download the Electric Vehicle Charger Selection Guide.