Let’s Co-Create a Roadmap to Equitably Retrofit Buildings!
You already have a foolproof building retrofit strategy for aligning federal, state, and regional resources to achieve your climate goals and deliver equitable community benefit, right? Wait, you don’t!? Well, then… let’s get together for 75 minutes to work on this problem together! We’ll start with brief overview presentations from the Building Decarbonization Coalition, City of Berkeley, and City of San Luis Obispo. Then we’ll break into small groups facilitated by staff from Central Coast Community Energy, The Switch is On, 3C-REN, Building Decarbonization Coalition and the cities of San Luis Obispo and Berkeley to develop programs for the fictional City of Heatpumptopia. By the end of the session, you’ll learn important program design considerations from your peers, make new connections, and head home inspired and ready to get to work on your own programs.
- Lucia Pohlman, County of San Luis Obispo, Sustainability and Natural Resources Analyst
- Panama Bartholomy, Building Decarbonization Coalition, Director
- Rebecca Milliken, City of Berkeley, Sustainability Outreach Specialist