Simi Valley Retro-commissioning Policy
The City of Simi Valley, working with Southern California Edison through their city-utility Energy Leadership Partnership, has completed a retro-commissioning (RCx) policy to implement in their buildings.
Retro-commissioning is a critical piece of facilities maintenance that ensures good facility operations, longer facility equipment life, improved comfort and productivity of occupants – and energy and cost savings.
The policy document cites Lawrence Berkeley National Lab data showing typical cost savings of RCx implementation of $0.11-$0.72 per square foot in energy savings, and $0.10-$0.45 per square foot in non energy savings. The document covers other useful information, including SCE and SoCal Gas requirements for retro-commissioning incentives.
The policy document then reviews specific opportunities for the greatest savings in the City of Simi Valley’s portfolio – finding the greatest opportunities in the wastewater treatment plant and sanitation facilities.
To review the City’s policy document, click here.