Soup to Nuts: An Interagency Approach to Guiding Constituents from Education to Energy Savings

This session will present a framework for collaboration between county, regional, and state agencies that provides a continuum of support for constituents to improve their energy efficiency. With many energy-focused programs and resources available statewide, it can be difficult for constituents to navigate the options and overcome barriers to making energy upgrades. Collaboration across multiple agencies is key to raising awareness about available support for efficiency and sustainability improvements at the local level. The webinar will begin with an overview of available rebates and financing that can be used together by constituents undertaking energy upgrades, followed by a panel discussion about how the three presenters work together to streamline the complex energy retrofit landscape for constituents. Participants will learn about available energy efficiency resources for their constituents, how to pair them together to provide continuity of support, and best practices for interagency collaboration to raise awareness in their community.