Supporting California local governments to…

save energy

by building knowledge and networks amongst practitioners.

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The California Climate and Energy Collaborative aims to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration amongst local climate and energy practitioners to advance fair and equitable climate change and energy practices.

We do this through the following services:

Resource Library

Use this library to filter all resources compiled by CCEC including best practices, technical assistance directory, funding resources, and a variety of other resources developed or compiled by CCEC.

Funding Resources

Visit the funding resources webpage to view featured active funding opportunities, a guide to internal and external funding best practice, pre-funding opportunities, and a funding and assistance database.

Legislative Tracker

Bills related to climate change, and in particular energy, are being tracked by CCEC as a resource for its members and climate professionals in California. Visit our Legislative Tracker to see these bills and their statuses.

Annual California Climate & Energy Forum

The California Climate & Energy Forum (CCEC Forum) brings together several hundred local government staff, elected officials, and community organizations, so they can collaborate and learn from each other in their efforts to advance fair and equitable climate change and energy practices. Stay updated!

Technical Assistance

California local governments are invited to visit the Technical Assistance page to make a request for specific information on local energy best practices or to access helpful technical assistance opportunities and resources.

Local Energy Resources Network (LERN)

The California Climate and Energy Collaborative (CCEC) hosts monthly Local Energy Resources Network (LERN) meetings every second Tuesday from 11am – 12pm to exchange knowledge, resources, input, and opportunities to help California local governments pursue their energy and climate goals.

State/Local Energy & Climate Collaboration (SLECC) Meeting

SLECC Meetings seek to support several active policies or initiatives that encourage State agencies to engage in greater coordination with local and regional agencies. See the history of our SLECC calls and what we do.

Comment Letters and Input Opportunities

The California Climate & Energy Collaborative (CCEC) is committed to working with state agencies to ensure that the programs they develop and administer are shaped and informed by the needs of local governments. As we continue our work engaging state agencies and their partners, we will highlight the active opportunities for the CCEC network to provide input on upcoming state programs. See active and our previously submitted comment letters on relevant opportunities from state-agencies.

wEEkly update

Interested in joining the network of 2000+ local government, utility, and other energy efficiency professionals receiving wEEkly updates via email? Subscribe here.

The Latest from CCEC


2024 Legislative Update

Now that the 2024 legislative session has come to a close, the California Climate & Energy Collaborative (CCEC) and the…

CCEC Original Articles

Recovery and Resilience Takes a Village: Part 2 – Exploring Collaboration in Electrification Planning

Published: April 2022

Recovery and Resilience Takes a Village: Part 1 – Exploring Collaboration in Energy Resilience Projects

Published: January 2022

State-Funded Climate and Energy Program Updates

Published: January 2022

Coping with Crises (Part 2) – Transitioning to Tomorrow’s Buildings

Published: June 2021